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Praise for Raising Eyebrows

  • "Karl Marx could learn from Dal LaMagna why capitalism is irresponsible" -Tom Hayden, former California State Senator, author


  • "Dal LaMagna tells his story with startling candor about how he learned from his business and personall failures to develop that combination of resiliency, curiosity, and necessary entrepreneurial discipline to build a successful company" -Ralph Nader, leading consumer advocate


  • "Dal's improbable success after many failures is lesson for all of us not only about business, but about life. Dal tells his story in a delightfully humorous 'no holds barred' way and shares what he has learned about creating a business that benefits society as a whole. This is a really good read. Dal rocks." -Ben Cohen, cofounder of Ben and Jerry's


  • "Dal LaMagna is one of the funniest, most original people I've ever met. This book is guaranteed to make you laugh - and think about how you are living your life." -Nina Rothschild Utne, cofounder, Utne Reader; founder, Future Fit


  • "Dal LaMagna is a great storyteller, both funny and emotionally deep. He has gotten into and out of more trouble than any ten of us. This makes great stories, but it also allows him to teach the essence of entrepreneurship in a memorable and entertaining way." -Gifford Pinchot III, cofounder, Bainbridge Graduate Institute

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